Thursday, May 13, 2010


My daughter and I very like go to shopping every Saturday. Usually we go to "Supper Mall." at Auburn,because there are many clothing stores for men,women, and children.There's a book store,christian store and video store. There are many restaurants, children roundabout and athletic hutch.And in this mall prices, often is sale.
Sometimes my daughter likes up to athletic hutch and make photo.
I recommendation to go there, will have fun.


  1. Sounds like fun! I haven't been there in a long time - now I want to go again!

  2. Hi Irina -
    I hope you are OK! Last week in class, each student wrote 3 sentences about 3 topics from our list (9 sentences total.) Please do that and post them to your blog this week. Good luck - let me know if you have questions.
