Friday, June 11, 2010

My history about recent events in my life.

Two weeks ago my daughter stood me up and helped me roller skate. At first I liked riding on the roller skates. Then my daughter led me to the top of a hill, which made me nervous.But I wanted to try; it couldn't be that bad. When I tried,and I fell down and hurt myself. I told my daughter: "Sorry, this not for me, go do something else."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


My history will about seasons in my country.Beginning about winter.Winter in my county sometimes starting in November. In this season is very cold and much snow. Children very like this season because,they drive on skate,sledge,skids and snowboards.They works snowball and throw in each other. People don't like this season because, they need cleaning your property from snow.
Second season is spring. This season came to very slowly. Spring in my country is cold, sometimes is hot. When melting snow on street is much water. Becomes much beautifully when become flabby trees,singing birds and every body happy of the springtime.
Third season is summer. This season is such as and Seattle.
Fourth season is fall. This season in my country has much raining and cold.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


My daughter and I very like go to shopping every Saturday. Usually we go to "Supper Mall." at Auburn,because there are many clothing stores for men,women, and children.There's a book store,christian store and video store. There are many restaurants, children roundabout and athletic hutch.And in this mall prices, often is sale.
Sometimes my daughter likes up to athletic hutch and make photo.
I recommendation to go there, will have fun.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Animals are very good friends for people who live alone. People talk with them, walk with them, feed them,sleep with them and watch TV., also with them.
I don't like dogs much,because in my childhood my family had irritating dog and he stayed in the house.
My husband doesn't like dogs because in his childhood he was bitten two times by dogs and he was injured. My second son is very afraid of dogs; I think that he gets this from his father.

My day.

Every day I get up at seven o'clock. First, I go to kitchen and make a cup of tea. Then I go to the bathroom and clean my teeth, take a shower. I get dressed and brush my hair.
At eight o'clock I go to work.I arrive at work at two o'clock. Then I go to home. At home I make lunch for my family. Then I go to college for study English. After college I go to home and I have time with my children.

Monday, April 26, 2010

My favorite place.

Topic: Let me tell you about my favorite place, it is Lake Washington.

Supporting detail 1:Many memories.
Supporting detail 2:Beautiful nature and place.
Supporting detail 3:Advise to go there,because....

At that place,we had our first picnic in the USA. When my sister was beside me as a guest,we felt nostolgic and remembered our childhood. At Lake Washington I took a walk on coast with my husband and sat on small bench to look at stars and dream about future. Lake Washington is very good nature and playground for kids, tennis courts, restaurants,beach and quays with small bench. At night, take your dreams and go on Lake Washington to sit on small bench, relax and look at the stars ,and begin to dream.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

School in my home country.

School in my county is very strictly.Lesson goes forty five minutes. When teacher calls at in classroom, than students get up.In classroom very quietly,every student listen to teacher. When teacher set question,only one student answer on it.In school very difficult program about grammar and math.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Why i want go get college.

On length of the week, I go in college to study the English,because, I want have good job and search out new Friends. I like hobnob with another people. I can't hobnob because no savvy English.


Family is people whether live together.

My family is middle.I,my husband,my two sons and daughter. I have 34 years.My husband has 37 years. My first son has 15 years,he is students in middle school;he likes draw and plays soccer.My second son has 13 years,he is students middle school too; he likes listen to music and plays video hams.My daughter is 11 years,she is students elementary school;she likes read many books and plays tennis.


Cooking is time,when man or woman make meat.
Same people likes for cooking.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My job.

I am a volunteer driver in Ukrainian Community Center.I transport senior. My job us very interesting.Driving along the road my passenger telling me very interesting stories about their young lives.I work part-time. My boss is good person. The ofice I work is in building"Church of Grease." I like this job.


Soccer is an entertaining game.
Soccer is teams playing with ball.
Soccer is where to teams are playing on a big field.

Support#1 Men has fun,when looking soccer.

About me.

My name is Iryna. I'm from Ukraine. I'm married for 16 years I have three children. My firs son is 15 years old, his name Andriy. My second son is13 years old,his name Igor. My daughter is 11 years old,her name Dayana. My husband's name is Oleg.

We live in America for one years and eight months. We like living here. I study English in Renton Technical College.

When I have free time,I like to go for a walk around lake Washington with my husband, and play tennis with my daughter. I like to listen to worship music.

Friday, April 16, 2010